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Pusa Digital Soil Test Fertilizer Recommendation Meter popularly known as STFR Meter, is developed by IARI, New Delhi.

Quantitative Estimation of 14 parameters viz. pH, Lime & Gypsum Requirement, Conductivity, Organic Carbon, Available Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Sulphur, Zinc, Boron, Iron, Copper and Manganese

Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India has incorporated this kit as an Official Kit for issuing Soil Health Cards

Available with a standard packing of reagents for 50 or 100 samples, along with all accessories.

Refills available on request.

Product Meta


  • Microprocessor-based technology
  • Tests for 14 different parameters and gives Crop Specific Fertilizer Recommendation for more than 100 crops.
  • Portable, easy to use, reliable and accurate results.
  • Available with optional accessories like printer, SMS facility, Solar charging, battery back up etc.
  • Includes mini shaker, small balance, all glassware, plasticware and chemicals for 50 or 100 tests
  • Manufactured under license from IARI-ICAR 

PUSA Digital Soil Test Fertilizer recommendation meter popularly known as STFR meter, is developed by IARI, New Delhi Quantitative estimation of fourteen (14) parameter viz . pH,  EC, organic Carbon, Available, nitrogen, phosphorous  Potassium,

Zinc, Boron, Sulphur, iron, Manganese, copper, lime and Gypsum requirement. Fertilizer recommendation for more 100 different crops